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Inventory no. 48146 - Epact entry

Epact number: 35228

Diptych Dial

Signed by Paul Reinmann
Dated 1584; Nuremberg
Ivory and brass; 71 x 115 x 18 mm

Main text

This dial has on the outside of the upper leaf a rotating brass volvelle which constitutes part of a dial. The triangular gnomon is unfortunately missing.

Both ivory leaves are inscribed with mottoes and instructions on the use of the instrument.

Source museum: Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
Museum number: Inventory no. 48,146

Detailed text

The outer part of the upper leaf has a brass volvelle decorated with foliage and engraved with the initials of the names of the months and hour lines, numbered from I to VII to XII with dots for the half-hours. The triangular gnomon is missing. On the ivory around the volvelle are traces of writing which cannot be read because they are covered by the volvelle itself. The four cardinal points are named 'MITTAG', 'NIDERGANG', 'MITERNACHT', 'AVFGANG' and the decoration consists of sun effigies and stars. On the top and bottom parts of the leaf is engraved a list of 36 cities and their latitudes. A compass viewing hole is pierced on the leaf near the hinge.

The inner part of the upper leaf has a pin gnomon dial with hour lines numbered in red from 1 to 10 and with the declination of the sun indicated by symbols of the zodiacal signs. Below it is a string gnomon dial (string missing) with common hours numbered from 6 to 12 to 6 with dots and lines for the half and quarters of hour. The centre is probably missing a volvelle. On the left hand side the inscription 'WEN ICH CAMPAST RECHT SOL WEISEN SO RICHT MICH NICHT NAHE BEY EISEN' ('when I, compass, am to point correctly you should not put me close to iron'). On the right hand side is an unequal scale of latitudes divided from 5 to 70 by 2 numbered by 10 with the inscription 'POLVS HOHE'. On the bottom part of the leaf is the signature and date 'PAVLVS REINMAN NORIMBERGAE FACIEBAT ANNO DOMINI 1584'.

The inner part of the lower leaf has a compass (missing) and a string gnomon dial with common hours numbered from 4 to 12 to 8 with dots and lines for half and quarter of hour. In the spandrel spaces are the names of the cardinal points 'SEPTENTRIO', 'OCCASVS' and 'ORTVS' and sun effigies. Below it, is a pin gnomon dial with Italian hours numbered from 10 to 23 and Babylonian hours numbered from 1 to 15. On the sides is the length of the day numbered from 8 to 16. On the bottom is the inscription 'MERI DIES'. On the left hand side is the inscription 'DIE BLAW ZIFFER IST DIE TAG LENG' ('the blue number is the length of the day') 'DIE ROTT ZIFFER IST NORIMBERGISCHE VHR' ('the red number is the Nuremberg hour') and 'DIE SCHWARTZ ZIFFER IST DIE GANTZE VHR' ('the black number is the whole [i.e. Italian] hour'). On the far right side is a compartment for the brass arm (missing) for adjusting the latitude. On the bottom is the motto 'SOLI DEO GLORIA' ('glory to God only'). On the right side is a compartment for the brass latitude arm.

On the left edge of the leaf is a compartment for the wind vane (missing) and on the bottom a conic hole for stowing the pin (missing).
The outer side of the lower leaf has a table of latitudes and the maker's mark (a crown) punched twice at the bottom.

Ilaria Meliconi

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