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Inventory no. 54330 - Former Display Label


Unsigned and undated. Brass. Diam.: 113mm.

Rete for 17 fixed stars; the pattern of the tracery of the rete is basically that of the late Gothic astrolabes, but retains, within the ecliptic circle, a form derived from the Y-type. 4 plates, for latitudes 38°, 40°; 42°, 44°; 47°, 49°; 50° and 51°40'.

The plate for 49° is marked "{P bar through}IS", i.e. Paris. On the back are a zodiac/calendar scale (0° Aries = 12.5 March; eccentric type), a shadow-square, an unequal hour diagram and a scale of degrees.

The lettering is Lombardic. This astrolabe should be compared with IC no. 168 (shown here).

Formerly in the Michel Collection, Brussels.

J. A. Billmeir Collection

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