Astrolabe Catalogue

Zodiacal signs

Type: Zodiacal signs
Geometry: Inner Circular, concentric
Unit of measurement: Zodiacal sign
(Numbering) starts at: Aries
(Numbering) ends at: Pisces
Numbered: Not numbered
Repeats: 1 times

Scale located on: Tympan, Womb or Back .

Location(s) detail:

VI: half circle inside the V circle (on mashriqi astrolabes) - covering LL and LR (VI)


Type: Scale label
Content: البروج
Translation: Constellations
Language: Arabic
Script: Nashki


1 حمل
2 ثور
3 جوزا
4 سرطان
5 اسد
6 سنبله
7 ميزان
8 عقرب
9 قوس
10 جدي
11 دلو
12 حوت
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