Astrolabe Catalogue


Small image of astrolabe rete separated from astrolabe. Click to enlarge.
Date 1647/8 (A.H. 1057)
Maker Ibn Muḥibb Ḥaqiqa
Place India (?)
Material Brass
Inventory no. 52066
Acquisition Presented by Lewis Evans in 1924
The rete is of the foliate (single knob) type.


There are 5 stars on the rete marked with foliate pointers. Unless otherwise indicated the star name, mediation and declination are as marked/measured on the rete.
Click on the star name or modern star name to search for other astrolabes with the same star.
Star name
(on instrument)
Modern star
(if known)
Mediation Declination Pointer
ذنب القطس Deneb Kaitos 4.0° of Aries -14° foliate
منقار الدجاجه Albireo 18.0° of Capricorn 27° foliate
النسر طاير Altair 24.0° of Capricorn foliate
فم الفرس Enif 10.0° of Aquarius foliate
ساق شاكب Skat 8.0° of Pisces -15° foliate

Pin Image:

astrolabe part (photo)

Pin Image:

astrolabe part (photo)

Nut & Bolt

The rete is attached using a nut & bolt.
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