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Delta Lecture

Spring, 1996

With the South Kensington Institute for the History of Technology, the Museum is sponsoring the second in a series of lectures by distinguished historians of science and technology. The first was given by Jerry Ravetz in the Science Museum in November 1995, and the second ‘Delta Lecture’ is scheduled for the 28th May in Oxford.

The speaker will be Professor Svante Lindqvist, of the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and his title is ‘The Bricks and Mortar of Science’.

The lecture is to be held in the Danson Room, Trinity College, at 5 p.m. For the benefit of those who are not confident of finding the Danson Room, the Museum will remain open to those attending the lecture until shortly before 5 o’clock, from where they may proceed with a guide.

Professor Lindqvist explains his enigmatic title as follows. “The architectural design of buildings of science can be seen as symbols of the ideas prevailing at the time when they were built. Thus these buildings – their design, internal structure, and position on campus or in the cityscape – may also tell us something about the beliefs underlying basic science policy decisions in the past.”