- Museum of the History of Science - http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk -


SupermoonBanner [1]

Friday 21 November, 7-10pm

Waxing, waning, gibbous and new
A night of the Moon we present to you

Join us for a late night special as part of Oxford’s Christmas Light Festival celebrations. This year, we we turn to our closest celestial companion for inspiration. Featuring live singing, film, music, craft activities and more, all inspired by the Moon. Don’t miss our temporary exhibition, Moonstruck [2], too. Here’s what’s happening on the night:

Joined-up Singing community choir – 7.30pm
Moonsong playlist throughout the evening in the Entrance Gallery

A Trip to the Moon by George Méliès and a short piece by film pioneer Robert Paul – on loop in the Basement Gallery, 7-8.30pm
Dark Side of the Moon by William Karel (52 mins) – Basement Gallery, 9pm

Moonstruck exhibition – Entrance Gallery, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00 and 9.30pm

Make our Marvellous Moondials – Top Gallery, 7-8.30pm