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Generator Propellor, by Marconi Company?, 20th Century

Inventory Number: 32068

32068-3t 32068-2t 32068-1t 32068-4t

Date: 20th Century

Maker Details: Attributed to Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "T.28163 / 500 WATTS NET" etched on one side of exterior surface, near centre. "2345 / AID / H43" etched on other side of exterior surface near centre. "MARC / BL39 / 111" typed on label stuck to interior surface of base.

Size: 240 mm in radius

Materials: Laminated mahogany, brass.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 147, 867 (white tag).


Laminated mahogany generator propellor with brass centre boss.

Contents of typed label on interior surface of boss, combined with common Marconi set indentification number stamped on exterior surface of object, attributes propellor to the Marconi Company.

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