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Marconi's Parabolic Receiver, by Guglielmo Marconi, England, c. 1896

Inventory Number: 31092

Number of documents: 3

Document Type: Label

Document Heading: Science Museum Caption


An early Science Museum caption describes these reflectors as probably those used by Marconi to demonstrate to representatives of the Post Office and the Armed Service on Salisbury Plain in 1896.

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Technical Details


A coherer (or, sometimes, receiver) was an early form of detector in wireless telegraphy, based around the effect that small particles of metal filings stick together (or 'cohere') when an electric field is present. A coherer consisted of a basic electromagnetic wave detector for various wavelengths and a circuit that obtained signals from modulated radio waves. The coherer then 'decoded' these signals.

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Historical Background


A basic coherer for 'Hertzian waves' (wireless telegraphy) was first developed by a French physicist, Edouard Branly, and was later developed by Oliver Lodge and others. Marconi used a Branly-type coherer is his early wireless telegraphy experiments in Italy.

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