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RCA Radiotron Cunningham Radio Tube Type 5Z4 With Carton, by RCA, New Jersey, Mid 20th Century

Inventory Number: 30472

Date: Mid 20th Century

Maker Details: Signed by RCA.

Inscription: "RADIOTRON / CUNNINGHAM / RCA / RADIO TUBE" printed on carton exterior. "TRADEMARKS / REGISTERED IN U.S.A." printed on carton apron. "RCA MANUFACTUR- / ING COMPANY INC. / HARRISON N.J." printed on carton apron.

Size: 105 mm in overall length (carton)

Materials: Plastic?, steel, assorted metals.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 216.


RCA Radiotron Full Wave Hi-Vacuum Rectifier Radio Tube (or Valve) Type 5Z4, in red, white and black cardboard caryon. Black plastic? tube with eight steel base pins and one black plastic? central base pin. Three steel pins missing. Carton sealed.

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