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RCA Radiotron Radio Tube Type VR54, by RCA, USA, 20th Century

Inventory Number: 15408

Date: 20th Century

Maker Details: Signed by RCA.

Inscription: "Radiotron / MADE IN U.S.A. BY / RCA" printed on side of tube base. "1638" printed on side of tube base. "V.R.54 / IOE/11400" on side of tube base.

Size: 120 mm in overall length (carton)

Materials: Plastic?, steel, assorted metals.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 216.


RCA Radiotron Radio Tube (or Valve) Type VR54, in plain unmarked cardboard carton. Tube covered in red plastic? with metal-plated black plastic? base. With eight steel base pins and one plastic? central base pin. Carton unsealed.

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