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Four-Second Alarm Type KM1, by Marconi Company, London, 20th Century

Inventory Number: 13115

13115-3t 13115-4t 13115-2t 13115-1t

Date: 20th Century

Maker Details: Signed by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "...MARCONI'S WIRELESS / TELEGRAPH CO. LTD. / LONDON" printed on iron plaque on front exterior surface. See Documents for other inscriptions.

Size: 300 x 290 x 220 mm

Materials: Iron, metal, nickel, glass.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 105.


Four-Second Alarm Type KM1, in black and nickelled iron case with glazed upper surface. With iron plaque which indicates two buttons under screw-top caps on front. Three plugs for dash, signal and space relays on front. With partially damaged glazed top (on corner).

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