This virtual version of the Oxford Science Walk was created from edited extracts of the more expansive printed version, which was first published in 1993 (ISBN 0 9522671 0 1). The revised edition of the 24-page printed booklet, fully illustrated and with directions for walking to the sites mentioned, is available from the Museum, priced at £3.95 including postage and packing.

Copies may be ordered from:

The Secretary (Book orders),
Museum of the History of Science,
Broad Street,
Oxford, OX1 3AZ
U. K.

Orders from individuals must be accompanied by payment in advance. Payments should be made to "University of Oxford" and may be made by cheque in sterling drawn on a U.K. bank or by international money order.

Significant price reductions are offered for bulk purchases of the Oxford Science Walk, for such purposes as inclusion in conference packs. For enquires about bulk purchases, please contact Sophie Huxley, 35 Marston Street, Oxford, OX4 1JU (tel: +44 [0]1865 791991 (daytime) +44 [0]1865 241073 (evenings) E-mail: ).

The Oxford Science Walk was written by Sophie Huxley with illustrations by Edith Gollnast.
This virtual version was designed and implemented by Giles Hudson.

Text and line illustrations © 1993 Sophie Huxley.
Einstein Blackboard © Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.

Thanks are due to the following for their kind help and interest: Geoff Ager, Jonathan Bentley, George and Davina Huxley, Eddie Mizzi, Richard Preston, Ted Seyd, and John Woodruff.