- Museum of the History of Science - http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk -

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

An exhibition of work by Foundation Art & Design students from Oxford Brookes University

Drawing Machine by Ryan Quarterman [1]

Drawing Machine by Ryan Quarterman

Artworks by students from Oxford Brookes University go on show in the Museum’s Entrance Gallery on Friday 3rd February. The exhibition, featuring 19 artworks inspired by museum objects, is a collaboration with the Pitt Rivers Museum [2].

The show, entitled Necessity is the Mother of Invention, explores the reasons why people come up with creative solutions for everyday living. Work by the students looks at areas such as money, language, travel, footwear and anaesthetics at the point where creativity, invention and discovery meet.

Objects in the exhibition include Jewellery, paintings and sculptures. The exhibition will be on show from 3rd February – 17th March 2012.

Artists featured:

Yoo Rim Lee | Rose Parker | Astrid Vancraeyencrest | Amy Fletcher | Alastair Glover | Megan Whitehead | Eliza Walter | Zoe Dunn | Jake Moore | Andrew Hubball | Ryan Quarterman | Livia Turnbull | Phoebe Walsh | Alex Bellamy | Emma Webb | Philip Rae Scott | Jessica Pass | Dominique Wightman | Nina Hudson