Babylonian hours: system of hour reckoning, see article on time and date.
baseline: measured distance between two positions used as the observing stations for a triangulation survey; angles measured from this line serve to locate the other points in the survey.
Butterfield dial: type of sundial adjustable for latitude, whose gnomon incorporates a latitude pointer often in the form of a bird. This dial type is associated with the 17th-century Paris-based English maker Michael Butterfield.
calendar: system of reckoning dates, see article on time and date.
calendar-zodiac scale: scales relating the sun's position in the zodiac to the date.
caliper: instrument used to take dimensions. One type has two curved legs whose endpoints are used to determine the diameters of spheres.
Cardan suspension: universal mounting attributed to the 16th-century Italian philosopher and physician Girolamo Cardano which, by means of gimbals, allows the supported part to remain horizontal irrespective of the orientation of the rest of the instrument.