     English Herbals

The library of the Museum of the History of Science is rich in early English herbals - books describing medicinal plants and their applications as medicines. All the famous names from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are represented in the exhibition: William Turner, Henry Lyte, John Gerard, Thomas Johnson and John Parkinson. The following texts from the museum library provide the sources for the quotations and the images used in the Exhibition section.

Rembert Dodoens, translated by Henry Lyte, A nievve herball, or historie of plantes: wherin is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes: their diuers [and] sundry kindes: their straunge figures, fashions, and shapes: their names, natures, operations, and vertues: and that not onely of those whiche are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande, but of all others also of forrayne realmes, commonly vsed in physicke. First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens, physition to the Emperour: and nowe first translated out of French into English (London, 1578).

John Gerard, ed. Thomas Johnson, The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London, Master in Chirurgerie. Very much Enlarged and Amended by Thomas Johnson Citizen and Apothecarye of London (London, 1633).

John Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum: The Theatre of Plants (or An Universall and Compleate Herball) or an Herball of a Large Extent ... (London, 1640).

Pierre Pomet, Joseph Pitton de Tournefort and Nicolas Lémery, A Compleat History of Druggs written in French by Monsieur Pomet, Chief Druggist to the late French King Lewis XIV. To which is added, what is further observable on the same Subject, from Mess. Lemery and Tournefort, divided into Three Classes, Vegetable, Animal and Mineral; with their Use in Physick, Chymistry, Pharmacy, and several other Arts. Illustrated With above Four Hundred Copper Cutts, curiously done from the Life; and an Explanation of their different Names, Places of Growth, and Countries from whence they are brought; the Way to know the True from the False; their Virtues, &c. A Work of very great Use and Curiousity. Done into English from the Originals. Second Edition (London, 1725).

John Quincy, Pharmacopoeia Officinalis & Extemporanea. Or, A Complete English Dispensatory, in Four Parts. I. The Theory of Pharmacy, and the several Processes therein. II. A Description of the Officinal Simples, ... III. The Officinal Compositions, ... IV. Extemporaneous Prescriptions, ... To which is added, an Account of the Common Adulterations both of Simples and Compounds; with some Marks to detect them by. Ninth Edition, much enlarged and corrected (London, 1733).

William Turner, The first and seconde partes of the Herbal of William Turner, Doctor in Phisick, lately ouersene, corrected and enlarged with the Third parte (Cologne, 1568).