About the website

This web version was launched in June 2009 and edited in February 2010.

Web design and implementation: Elizabeth Bruton, Keiko Ikeuchi and Richard Rowley
Photography: Keiko Ikeuchi

The site is designed to run on most common browsers and requires no plug-ins but uses Javascript and Flash to view the gallery images.

It has been tested with Firefox 3.0 (Win), Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 (Win), Opera 9.6 (Win), Safari 3.1 (Win), and Google Chrome 2.0 (Win). The appearance of this site may vary across different browsers.

If you have have any technical problems while viewing this website please email webmaster@mhs.ox.ac.uk.

This website, with the exception of the Extras page, was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Strict. This means that the resource in question identified itself as “XHTML 1.0 Strict” and that we successfully performed a formal validation using an SGML or XML Parser (depending on the markup language used).

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