Astrolabe Catalogue


Small image of windrose. Click for full size.
The windrose is of the 32-direction type. All 32 winds are labeled in Dutch or German dialect and in an italic script; 16 of the winds are labeled in Latin and in a Roman script. The stylised image to the right shows how the cardinal points are divided up in 32 different directions. The table below shows how the points are labelled on the actual windrose.
The windrose is labelled:
Direction Labelled
N Nord Tramontana
S Zuÿd Mezodi
E Oost Levante
W West Ponente
NE Nord oost Grego
SE Zuÿd oost Sirocco
SW Zuÿd West Lebechio
NW Nord West Maestro
NNE Nord nord oost Grego tramon
ENE Oost nord oost Grego Lauante
ESE Oost zuÿd oost Sirocco Leu:
SSE Zuÿd zuÿd oost Sirocco meco:
SSW Zuÿd zuÿd West Lebechi mezo
WSW West zuÿd West Ponente Lebe
WNW West nord west Ponente maestro
NNW Nord nord West Maestro tram:
N by E Nord ten oosten
NE by N Nord oost ten nord
NE by E Nord oost ten oost
E by N Oost ten norden
E by S Oost ten zuÿden
SE by E Zuÿd oost ten oost
SE by S Zuÿd oost ten zuÿd
S by E Zuÿdten oost ten
S by W Zuÿd ten Westen
SW by S Zuÿd West ten zuÿd
SW by W Zuÿd West ten west
W by S West ten zuÿd
W by N West ten norden
NW by W Nord West ten west
NW by N Nord West ten nord
N by W Nord ten Westen
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