Astrolabe Catalogue

Quadratum nauticum

Type: Quadratum nauticum
Geometry: Box
Unit of measurement: Degrees
(Numbering) starts at: 0
(Numbering) ends at: 90
Numbered: Every 10
Repeats: 8 times
Divided every: 10 (Degrees)
then every: 5 (Degrees)
Notes: The four cardinal directions are engraved outside the square

Scale located on: Tympan, Womb or Back .


Type: Direction
Translation: South
Language: Latin
Script: Square capitals
Type: Direction
Translation: West
Language: Latin
Script: Square capitals
Type: Direction
Translation: North
Language: Latin
Script: Square capitals
Type: Direction
Content: ORIENS
Translation: East
Language: Latin
Script: Square capitals
Type: Scale label
Content: Longitudo minor seŭ Occidentalior
Translation: Decreasing or western longitude
Language: Latin
Script: Italic
Notes: This label is along the top edge of the Quadratum
Type: Scale label
Content: Latitudo maior aŭt Borealior
Translation: Increasing or more northern latitude
Language: Latin
Script: Italic
Notes: This label is along the right edge of the Quadratum
Type: Scale label
Content: Longitudo maior seŭ Orientalior
Translation: Increasing or eastern latitude
Language: Latin
Script: Italic
Notes: This label is along the bottom edge of the Quadratum
Type: Scale label
Content: Latitudo minor vel Aŭstralior
Translation: Decreasing or southern latitude
Language: Latin
Script: Italic
Notes: This label is along the left edge of the Quadratum
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