Astrolabe Catalogue


Small image of astrolabe rete separated from astrolabe. Click to enlarge.
Date ca. 1500
Place Italy (?)
Material Brass
Inventory no. 35146
Acquisition Presented by Lewis Evans in 1924
The rete is of the y-shaped (modified) type. The zodiac on the rete is labelled: ARIES , TAVRVS , GEMMIN , CANCER , LEO , VIRGO , LIBRA , SCORPIO , SAGITTARIVS , CAPRICORNVS , AQVARIVS , PISCES


Type Range & Units Numbered Geometry Location
Equal hours 1 - 16 Times of day Every 1  Circular, concentric tropic of capricorn
Ecliptic 0 - 30 Degrees of ecliptic Every 5  Ecliptic ecliptic


There are 16 stars on the rete marked with bulb pointers. Unless otherwise indicated the star name, mediation and declination are as marked/measured on the rete.
Click on the star name or modern star name to search for other astrolabes with the same star.
Star name
(on instrument)
Modern star
(if known)
Mediation Declination Pointer
ALFETA Alphecca pointer damaged pointer damaged bulb
MIRAC Mirach 11.0° of Aries 35° bulb
ALDEBARAN Aldebaran 5.0° of Gemini 15° bulb
ALHAIOT Capella 12.0° of Gemini 45° bulb
RIGIL Rigel 15.0° of Gemini -10° bulb
ALHABOR Sirius 6.0° of Cancer -16° bulb
ALGOMEISA Procyon 18.0° of Cancer bulb
COR LEONIS Regulus 21.0° of Leo 14° bulb
DVBHE Dubhe 1.0° of Virgo 64° bulb
AZIMECH Spica 16.0° of Libra -8° bulb
ALRAMECH Arcturus 1.0° of Scorpio 22° bulb
RAZDALGETI Rasalgethi 15.0° of Sagittarius 17° bulb
VEGA Vega 5.0° of Capricorn 39° bulb
ALKAIR Altair 19.0° of Capricorn bulb
SCEAT Scheat 4.0° of Pisces 24° bulb
[no name] Markab 9.0° of Pisces 14° bulb

Pin & Wedge

The rete is attached using a pin & wedge. Heavy pin with large head; small wedge, crudely made.
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