Astrolabe Catalogue


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InvNo ICN Date Style Place Maker Language
40670 1000000 1979 Planispheric England Harold N. Saunders English Full Details
0 253 1535 Planispheric Mainz Peter Jordan Latin Full Details
52332 1000000 18th century (?) Planispheric,  Blank in template Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
38862 2553 1653/4 (A.H. 1064) Planispheric,  Indo-Persian Lahore Ḍiyā’ ad-Dīn Muḥammad Persian Full Details
27786 1000000 1925 Planispheric,  Modern plastic London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
88453 1000000 18th century Plate Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
41524 1000000 18th century Plate Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
48470 2529 early 10th century Rete Syria (?) Unknown Arabic Full Details
45133 294 ca. 1320 Rete England (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
49687 1000000 1480/1 (A. H. 885) Spherical Syria (?) Mūsa Arabic Full Details
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