Astrolabe Catalogue


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InvNo ICN Date Style Place Maker Language
44359 209 late 16th century Geographic France Unknown Latin Full Details
48821 314 ca. 1690 Planispheric Oxford John Prujean Latin Full Details
91897 403 1492 Planispheric Germany Hans Herghamer Latin Full Details
35592 335 ca. 1686 Clock Nuremberg Johann Leonhardt Bommel Latin Full Details
36338 2042 late 14th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
46769 248 1490 Planispheric Thüringen Hans Bamman Latin Full Details
35082 214 ca. 1600 Planispheric Paris (?) Philippe Danfrie (?) Latin Full Details
35146 173 ca. 1500 Planispheric Italy (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
42437 284 19th century (?) Planispheric Italy Unknown Latin Full Details
39540 192 ca. 1400 Planispheric Paris Jean Fusoris Latin Full Details
47901 296 ca. 1350 Planispheric Oxford Unknown Latin Full Details
47869 299 ca. 1370 Planispheric England (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
34268 210 1584 Planispheric Paris Philippe Danfrie Latin Full Details
49296 263 1542 Planispheric Nuremberg Georg Hartmann Latin Full Details
45133 294 ca. 1320 Rete England (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
45307 2041 ca. 1300 Planispheric Spain (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
53801 196 ca. 1400 Planispheric Paris Jean Fusoris Latin Full Details
49636 194 ca. 1400 Planispheric Paris Jean Fusoris Latin Full Details
38642 258 1527 Planispheric Nuremberg Georg Hartmann Latin Full Details
50769 1000000 14th century Planispheric Sicily (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
38097 412 ca. 1590 Planispheric Prague (?) Erasmus Habermel Latin Full Details
52869 2044 ca. 1400 Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
37297 278 ca. 1585 Planispheric Germany Erasmus Habermel Latin Full Details
48892 165 1558 Planispheric Zaragosa Jacobus Valerius (?) Latin Full Details
45365 1000000 late 16th century Planispheric Flanders Unknown Latin Full Details
47674 163 ca. 1400 Planispheric Paris Jean Fusoris Latin Full Details
49726 413 ca. 1570 Planispheric France (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
41468 168 ca. 1400 Planispheric Paris (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
53558 229 1565 Planispheric Louvain Regnerus Arsenius Latin Full Details
54424 411 early 17th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
40443 257 1538 Planispheric Nuremberg Johann Wagner Latin Full Details
47657 252 1521 Planispheric Germany Unknown Latin Full Details
41409 206 ca. 1560 Planispheric France Unknown Latin Full Details
54330 410 late 14th or early 15th century Planispheric Paris (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
47615 2043 14th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
42223 575 1559 Planispheric London Thomas Gemini Latin Full Details
0 253 1535 Planispheric Mainz Peter Jordan Latin Full Details
41951 1000000 16th century (?) Planispheric Europe Unknown Numbers Full Details
46681 1196 1719/20 (A.H. 1132) Planispheric Iṣfahān ‘Abd al-A’imma Persian Full Details
40833 1087 early 18th century Planispheric Iṣfahān ‘Abd al-A’imma Persian Full Details
52066 73 1647/8 (A.H. 1057) Planispheric India (?) Ibn Muḥibb Ḥaqiqa Persian Full Details
38235 46 early 18th century (?) Planispheric Persia Faḍl ‘Alī Persian Full Details
49300 29 18th century (?) Planispheric Persia Unknown Persian Full Details
42649 45 ca. 1700 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Persian Full Details
50987 1018 ca. 1700 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Persian Full Details
33739 1017 ca. 1710 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Persian Full Details
45747 18 1647/8 (A.H. 1057) Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Muqīm al-Yazdī Persian Full Details
38862 2553 1653/4 (A.H. 1064) Planispheric,  Indo-Persian Lahore Ḍiyā’ ad-Dīn Muḥammad Persian Full Details
52478 2540 18th century Planispheric India Unknown Sanskrit Full Details
30402 1000000 late 18th or early 19th century Planispheric India Unknown Sanskrit Full Details
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