Astrolabe Catalogue


Small image of astrolabe back with rules or alidades removed. Click to enlarge.
Date 984/5 or 1003/4 (A.H. 374 or 394)
Maker Aḥmad and Muḥammad
Place Iṣfahān
Material Brass
Inventory no. 33767
Acquisition Presented by Lewis Evans in 1924


The back contains 5 scales of the following types:
(click to view scale details)
Range & Units Numbered Geometry Location
Altitude 0 - 90, Degrees Every 5 degrees Circular, concentric Upper right quadrant of outer circular on back of instrument.
Altitude 0 - 90, Degrees Every 5 degrees Circular, concentric Upper left quadrant of outer circular on back of instrument.
Dastūr Circle None Not numbered  Angle Upper left quadrant (inside circular scales)
Zodiacal signs Aries - Pisces, Zodiacal sign Not numbered  Circular, concentric Circular scale immediately inside the outer scale - refers to the full circle
Terms 0° Aries - 30° Pisces, Zodiacal divisions, equal or unequal At each term  Circular, concentric Circular scale second in from the outer scale - refers to the full circle.
Faces 0° Aries - 30° Pisces, Zodiacal divisions, equal or unequal Not numbered  Circular, concentric Circular scale third in from the outer scale - refers to the full circle.
The back is inscribed:
Transcription Translation Notes Type
بسم الله وبعون الله باليمن والدولة وباﻹقبال والسعادة ألف هذا الأصطرلاب أحمد ومحمد أبناء ٳبراهيم الأصطرلابي الأصفهاني سنة أربع وتسعين وثلثمائةة In the name of God, and by the help of God. With prosperity and success and good fortune and happiness, this astrolabe was composed by Aḥmad and Muḥammad, sons of Ibrāhīm, maker of astrolabes from Isfahan, the year 394. Inscription across middle of back Maker's signature
[vertically on the back] [ pending ] None
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