- Museum of the History of Science - http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk -

Research Seminars

Spring, 1999

THE fifth annual series of seminars organized by the Museum on ‘Collection and Comparison in the Sciences’ will be held on Wednesday afternoons between the 28th April and 2nd June.
Visitors from abroad this year include Christophe Bonneuil from the Centre Koyré in Paris who will speak on the standardization of taxonomic practices in nineteenth-century botany and Marc Olivier of Brigham Young University, Utah, who will deal with microscopy as literature. Hugh Torrens, Professor of the History of Science at the University of Keele, will speak on the history of mineral prospecting.
Current work of doctoral students is well represented this year, by Clare Haynes of the University of East Anglia, Simon Werrett of King’s College, Cambridge, and Enda Leaney of Keble College. Mr Leaney’s paper on the nineteenth-century Museum of Irish Industry in Dublin will be based on work undertaken last year for the Museum M. Sc.
Because the Museum building is closed, seminars will be held in the nearby History of Science and Technology Seminar Room of the Modern History Faculty. Full details of dates, times and titles are given in the Calendar on the right.