- Museum of the History of Science - http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk -

Collection and Comparison Seminars

Spring, 1997

THE third series of research seminars on ‘Collection and Comparison in the Sciences’ has been organized for Trinity Term, to be held, as before, on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. in the basement of the Museum.

Michael Bravo will open the series with a paper on scientific travel, a topic of current interest among historians and in which instruments have particular relevance. Sylvia De Renzi will follow with a contribution from another active area of research – natural history collecting in the seventeenth century, while Nathan Schlanger will consider the natural history of tools in anthropology.

Fulfilling one of the original hopes of the seminar organizers, Brian Dolan will offer a paper that brings collecting and classification into the same frame as the physical sciences, in this case chemistry. Ken Arnold ends the series with a talk about English museums between 1650 and 1750.