- Museum of the History of Science - http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk -

Change of World Wide Web Address

Autumn, 1996

In the Autumn 1995 issue of Sphæra, the Museum announced the launch of its Internet site. Over the year, the site has received several hundred ‘virtual visits’ each week and has been greeted with great interest and enthusiasm, not only by the lay public but by historians of science and of related fields. It has also been the source of media interest, being featured prominently in several computer magazines as well as by more august bodies such as the Museums Association and the BBC, who have taken it as a first point of reference for discussion of issues relating to Museums on the Web.

During the year, several additions have been made to the site, the most significant of which is an electronic version of the current special exhibition, The Geometry of War. More additions will follow soon as material from the ongoing Museum inventory project is made available online.

In order to cope with the increased demand for Internet access, a different computer is now being used to host the Museum’s Web site. This has resulted in a change of address for the pages, which can now be found at http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/ [1].