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History of Science at the Maison Francaise

Spring, 1996

The programme of the Maison Française has become a significant feature of history of science activity in Oxford. Several historians of science are resident there this year and they have arranged workshops in each of the past two terms.

A substantial seminar series is being planned for this coming autumn, but meanwhile, two whole-day meetings are scheduled for May. They are described as ‘Franco-British Workshops on the Transfer of Scientific Concepts and Practice’. Topics in the biological and human sciences will be addressed on the 8th May while the second workshop on the 23rd May will focus on the physical and mathematical sciences.

Speakers at the workshops will be John Clark, Claudine Cohen, Pietro Corsi, Benoît de l’Estoile, Adam Kuper, Goulven Laurent and Paul Weindling; Michel Atten, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Marie-José Durand-Richard, Isobel Falconer, David Knight, Benoit Lelong, James Ritter and Andrew Warwick.

Both workshops begin at 9.15 a.m. in the Maison Française, Norham Road, Oxford.